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  • Breaking Kitty

    Petra from Feline Vengeance can't wait to make kitty pay for all her mischevious deeds and wastes no time extracting her revenge. She methodically and sadistically tickles Kitty. Mid-way through, she even invokes the assistance of the family maid to help her - creating a 2 on 1 dose! With nowhere to go and the sensation too much to handle, Kitty begins to break, much to Petra's delight. Her pleas for help go ignored and Petra enjoys every second of this bitter-sweet revenge. This clip features nylon, bare, upper body and all over tickling with some sensuality towards the end of the clip
    Category : Tickling
    Size : 0 MB
    Format :
    Starring :Petra Kaus Rita Rosario
    Length :
    Added : 10/02/12
    BreakingKitty-HD : $18.99
    BreakingKitty-SD : $17.99
    BreakingKitty-FO : $13.99
    BreakingKitty-UO : $6.99
  • Feline Vengeance

    Whiskers is excited that its Halloween time again and like most cats, she's looking to get into a little mischief. She's been meaning to do something about her owner, Petra. She's been mia most of the week and Whiskers feels this is no way to act around her favorite holiday! She quickly springs a trap when Petra gets home and she has no idea what's going on. Whiskers evil plot is about to unfold and just one look in her eyes tells us she can't wait to execute it! This clip contains bare, upper body and all over tickling with some oil and sensual elements
    Category : Tickling
    Size : 0 MB
    Format :
    Starring :Petra Kaus Rita Rosario
    Length :
    Added : 10/05/12
    FelineVengeance-HD : $24.99
    FelineVengeance-SD : $23.99
    FelineVengeance-FO : $14.99
    FelineVengeance-UO : $10.99

Abbreviation Key

HD - High Definition (1920x1080p)
SD - Standard Definition (852x480p)
MO - Mobile/Tablet HD Version (960x540p)
FO - Feet Only Version (960x540p)
UO - Upper Only Version (960x540p)

Ordering Instructions

To order a clip, hover your mouse over the appropriate ADD TO CART option - the metadata values will change so you can see the file size, length, price and format for your choice.  To select it, just click the ADD TO CART button.  If you want to continue shopping, click CONTINUE SHOPPING from the cart pop-up to be returned to the store.  Otherwise, proceed to checkout.


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